Guidelines for Thesis Proposal in the Biology Masters Program Thesis Proposal A proposal is the foundation of your research. In it, you will identify a research topic, explain why it is interesting and important, review the relevant literature, list your specific hypotheses, outline your methods and give some potential outcomes of your Size: KB Williams college biology thesis proposal sample. Microbiology research within the Department of Biology covers a wide range of. MIT Biology identifies molecular mechanisms underlying stem cell renewal and. Ecology Research Proposal Examples at biology web directory. GIS in Plant Ecology Annotated bibliography of GIS uses within plant ecology In this senior honors thesis, I intend to examine the effects of miniaturization on cranial morphology of A. cacatuoides. Plan of Research: In this thesis, I will compare the cranial anatomy of A. cacatuoides to that of “Cichlasoma” (Archocentrus) nigrofasciatum, a commonly bred fish reared by aquarists known as the Convict Cichlid, a “typical” medium-sized cichlid also of South American origin
Williams college biology thesis proposal sample
As a graduate student in the Department of Biology, you are required to write and defend a thesis proposal. This requirement has been formalized as a milestone credit. The thesis proposal is most helpful when it is completed in the first term, especially for M. students, but it must be completed by the end of the second term of your graduate program at the latest. If you would like to try to transfer form the M. program to the Ph. program without first completing the M. degree, and you have the approval of your Graduate Supervisory Committee to attempt the transfer, then you must also defend a Ph.
thesis proposal by the end of the third term of your program. Your performance in the thesis proposal along with your performance in the first year of the M. program form the basis for determining whether a transfer is warranted.
Your Graduate Supervisory Committee, along with the Graduate Officers and an additional arms-length committee member, will base the decision on three criteria: excellent academic performance, a M. research project of sufficient breadth and depth that it can be expanded into a Ph. project and evidence that your analytical and writing skills are very strong. The purpose of the thesis proposal is the clearly identify the scientific question s that will be the focus of your graduate research, biology thesis proposal example, explain why the question s are important, and describe how you will go about answering them.
Your Graduate Supervisory Committee will evaluate the written proposal, biology thesis proposal example, which they should receive at least two weeks before your scheduled defense of it. The defense normally consists of a short 20 minute oral presentation followed by questions from the committee. Spectators are not only permitted but biology thesis proposal example to the defense and are entitled to ask reasonable questions after the committee has finished its questioning.
The committee will take both your written and oral presentation as well as your responses to all questions into account in reaching its decision, biology thesis proposal example. The decision may be pass, fail, or deferred. A failure requires withdrawal from the program. A deferred decision requires a written explanation by the committee and a fixed date for a revised proposal and subsequent defense. Decisions cannot be deferred a second time.
At the defense you should show the committee that you have suitable knowledge of your field, grasp of the necessary methods, understanding of the scientific context of the work, and a credible plan for bringing the project biology thesis proposal example completion within the normal time limits for your program.
The depth and sophistication of both knowledge and study design is naturally expected to differ between M. and Ph. Both should include clearly identified questions, or hypotheses, biology thesis proposal example, and an explanation of how the questions will be addressed. The committee will also probably expect to see a defined time line, showing the major milestones and planned completion dates for your project.
Progress in your research to date is an additional consideration. Introduction and review of prior knowledge. This would typically take the form of a concise literature review to show that you know the background for your work and to show the reader the context and importance of your questions. With limited space see below you have to be very judicious in selecting the references. You want the review to be up-to-date and representative of the field; it should not be limited biology thesis proposal example the writings of those associated with just one or two research groups.
Research progress to date. A separate section to describe your own contributions to date may be appropriate, particularly in the case of those attempting to transfer from M. to Ph. In other cases, it may be necessary only to indicate how you have managed to progress relative to the time line for your project. Objectives of proposed research. Include long- and short-term objectives and testable hypotheses.
Witten and J. Glasgow of Queens University. For the research plan, you should at least know how you are going to start out and have some ideas for future options. Be prepared to describe alternative scenarios for the later stages, which hinge on how the early research turns out. Be mindful of the need to evaluate your ideas, not just develop and implement them.
If successful, what will be the effect of the research? Remember that your methodology biology thesis proposal example include a clear description of your overall experimental design and some indication of the statistical methods you will undertake to analyze your data.
Provide a term by term list of objectives for your planned graduate program, including coursework, biology thesis proposal example, important goals for your experiments, data analysis and writing and defense of the thesis. The completed thesis proposal should be no longer than 12 pages of text, not including figures and references, double-spaced with 1 inch margins and size 12 font.
Figures may be presented on additional pages only if they are informative and are mentioned in the text. References should be presented in full no abbreviations other than initials and journal titles in a format similar to a journal in your field of study. Deliver a copy to each committee member and one copy biology thesis proposal example the Biology Graduate Coordinator, who will handle the details of your defense, at least two weeks in advance of your scheduled defense.
The supervisor and supervisory committee should be important resources as you develop your research questions and the rest of the proposal. Your questions, and even the major methods, may already be largely formulated for you by your supervisor, or you may be expected to develop them mainly on your own. Generally, biology thesis proposal example, more responsibility for formulation of the main questions and biology thesis proposal example approach to their solution is expected from Ph.
In any case, biology thesis proposal example, you have the right to expect helpful discussion and guidance from your supervisor and the committee as you develop your proposal. There are important similarities between a good thesis proposal and a good NSERC proposal, and so the comments below may help you in designing your study and carrying out your research. To do research well, you must formulate a question or hypothesis that forms the basis for your work.
This should not be an isolated question, but one related to a particular field of inquiry and one designed to increase our understanding within that field. How do you generate specific, biology thesis proposal example, interesting and relevant research biology thesis proposal example Read current research papers and reviews in areas that are relevant to your field.
Read more widely in general journals or in areas that overlap your field of research. Good ideas often come from reading, discussing and explaining what someone else is doing. Group discussions can be fertile breeding grounds for new ideas. Force yourself to understand new ideas, perhaps by presenting and explaining them to others, and ideas will strike you.
By its very nature, research is unpredictable, and any avenue of inquiry — no matter how good the idea was originally — may turn out to be sterile, infeasible, or simply incorrect.
Propose a mix of questions to work on — some short-term and obviously answerable, others long-term, more risky, but potentially more valuable. Reviews of proposals sometimes state explicitly that the evaluation would have been higher if fewer ideas had been included, biology thesis proposal example. You can spoil a good proposal by adding more to it. You have to evaluate your own ideas, biology thesis proposal example, assess their strengths and weaknesses, sharpen them, and present them clearly.
When you specify a goal, how will you know if you reach it? Many research proposals state goals that are so vague they could never be reached. Thus, it is essential to formulate goals precisely and to be able to explain why they are worthwhile. If you do succeed, it is reasonable to ask what contributions will have been made to scientific knowledge or to practice. It is also essential to have some idea of what methods you will attempt to solve your proposed problem.
You must plan something concrete. However, because research in unpredictable, it is also useful to think about alternative approaches to solving the problem of proving the hypothesis. Your proposal will be evaluated by experienced researchers. They understand the difficulty of proposal writing and conducting research. They do not expect to glean every last detail of what you want to do by reading the proposal.
However, they can tell a lot about you, and the way you think, from your writing. They expect you to have thought pretty hard about your ideas, and to have worked conscientiously to explain and present them as clearly and straightforwardly as possible. It is up to you to provide evidence for a positive decision. Department of Biology ESC University Ave. W Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 Phone: ext.
Contact Biology Work for Biology. Provide website biology thesis proposal example. The University of Waterloo acknowledges that much of our work takes place on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. Our main campus is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land granted to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River.
Our active work toward reconciliation takes place across biology thesis proposal example campuses through research, learning, teaching, and community building, and is centralized within our Indigenous Initiatives Office. Skip to main Skip to footer. Department of Biology. Biology home About Biology Degrees and programs Our people Research Resources and Services News Events Employment opportunities. Undergraduate students Graduate students How to apply Graduate Handbook Forms and milestones Biology Graduate Student Association TA Applications Funding and Awards.
Department of Biology Graduate students Forms and milestones. Thesis Proposal Requirement As a graduate student in the Department of Biology, you are required to write and defend a thesis proposal. Evaluation of the Thesis Proposal The purpose of the thesis proposal is the clearly identify the scientific question s that will be the focus of your graduate research, explain why the question s are important, and describe how you will go about answering them.
Thesis Proposal Format A good model for the thesis proposal might include the following sections. Research Ideas The supervisor and supervisory committee should be important resources as you develop your research questions and the rest of the proposal.
Revised February
How to Write a Successful Research Proposal - Scribbr ��
, time: 4:26Thesis proposal example 1 · Biology · Lafayette College

In this senior honors thesis, I intend to examine the effects of miniaturization on cranial morphology of A. cacatuoides. Plan of Research: In this thesis, I will compare the cranial anatomy of A. cacatuoides to that of “Cichlasoma” (Archocentrus) nigrofasciatum, a commonly bred fish reared by aquarists known as the Convict Cichlid, a “typical” medium-sized cichlid also of South American origin Linked below are examples of well-formatted theses – please use these as guidelines as you develop your own thesis. To help you in your planning, please review: Setting Goals and Staying on Track Biology – Nonmedical Vaccine Exemptions & Pertussis The Correlation of Nonmedical Vaccine Exemptions and Clusters of Pertussis Cases in the United States, Guidelines for Thesis Proposal in the Biology Masters Program Thesis Proposal A proposal is the foundation of your research. In it, you will identify a research topic, explain why it is interesting and important, review the relevant literature, list your specific hypotheses, outline your methods and give some potential outcomes of your Size: KB
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