College success. Home Educational Pathway My Plan Reflection Papers Transit Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Get Started. Home Educational Pathway Self-Assessment and Reflection of a Visual Learner Marcia Weaver COM/ May 6, Denise Corso Abstract In this paper, I take the reader through my search and the processes I went through as a visual learner to decide on my choice of instruction, online or traditional 2/18/ · College reflection papers (also known as reflection essays) can typically range between about words in length. If you would like your reflection paper to look professional, feel free to check out one of our articles on how to format MLA, APA or Chicago style
Reflection Paper: The Story Of Success, Essay Buy Sample
What All First-Year Students Should Know:. The Most Potent, Research-Based Principles of College Success. by Joe Cuseo. The objective of this manuscript is to summarize empirical evidence supporting these principles and suggest specific strategies on how these research-grounded principles may be implemented.
It is hoped that this information might serve as an action plan that first-year professionals working with college success reflection paper students can share with new students, empowering them with a proactive and comprehensive blueprint for college success.
College success reflection paper indicates that active involvement is the most fundamental and most powerful principle of human learning and college success Astin, The bottom line is this: To maximize success in college, students need to be active agents in the learning process, not passive sponges or spectators.
The basic principle of active involvement includes the following pair of key components or processes: a the amount of personal time a student devotes to learning in college, and 2 the degree of personal effort or energy mental and physical that a student puts into the learning process. If students engage in either of the following physical actions with respect to what they are learning, they can be assured that they are investing a substantial amount of involvement and energy in the learning process.
a Writing— expressing what they are trying to learn in print for example, college success reflection paper, actively writing notes when reading, rather than passively underlining sentences. b Speaking—orally communicating what they are attempting to learn for example, explaining a course concept to a study-group partner, rather than just looking it over silently. Since the total amount of time spent on learning is associated with how much students learn and how successful they are in college, this association naturally leads to a very straightforward conclusion: Successful students attend class.
College research indicates that there is a direct relationship between class attendance and course grades —as one goes up or down, so does the other. Research clearly indicates that the greater amount of time college students spend on academic work outside of class is associated with greater learning and higher grades.
In college, students will find that professors frequently use the lecture methodwhich places great demands on their ability to listen carefully and take notes effectively.
The best way for students to apply the strategy of active involvement during a class lecture is to engage in the physical action of writing notes. Just as writing promotes active listening in class, writing also promotes active reading outside of class. Recording notes on what is being read while it is being read ensures active involvement, because it involves more mental and physical energy than merely reading the material, or college success reflection paper underlining sentences with a magic marker.
Research indicates that students who utilize these resources report higher levels of satisfaction with the college experience and get more out of the college experience. In particular, students who use the following campus resources are more likely to be successful. Studies show that students who become actively involved with academic support services outside the classroom, such as the Learning Center or Academic Support Center, college success reflection paper, are more likely to attain higher college grades and complete their college degree, particularly if they began their involvement with these support services during the first year of college Cuseo, Successful students do not overlook the fact that librarians are educators from whom they can learn as they do from classroom instructors.
Furthermore, the library is a place where students can acquire skills for locating, college success reflection paper, retrieving, and evaluating information that may college success reflection paper applied to any course they are taking or will ever take. Thus, these are versatile and transferable research skills that students can continually apply throughout their college experience.
As the English author, Dr. College students who have developed a clear sense of their educational and career goals are more likely to continue their college education and complete their college degree Willingham, college success reflection paper, ; Wyckoff, college success reflection paper, However, most beginning college students need help with clarifying their educational goals, selecting an academic major, and exploring future careers.
Students entering college today are reporting higher levels of stress than in years past. The first year in college can be stressful because it represents a major life transition, which requires not only academic adjustments, but also involves significant changes in social relationships, emotional experiences, and personal identity. There are two major ways students can get involved in college life beyond academics and capitalize on experiential learning opportunities outside of the classroom: a through involvement in co-curricular extra-curricular experiences on campus, and b through college-sponsored service learning volunteer experiences in the local community, college success reflection paper.
For example, college graduates consistently report that their participation in co-curricular experiences involving leadership helped them to develop skills that were important college success reflection paper their work performance and career advancement. These college success reflection paper have been confirmed by on-the-job evaluations of college alumni, which indicate that previous involvement in co-curricular activities on campus, particularly those involving student leadership, is the best predictor of successful managerial performance.
Also, involvement in student leadership activities is associated with improved self-esteem for both men and women Astin, college success reflection paper, A good rule-of-thumb is to spend no more than hours per week working in co-curricular activitiesand to get involved in no more than major campus organizations at any one time. Service Learning Volunteer Experiences in the Local Community.
Such experience also allows them to network connect with professionals outside the college who may serve as excellent resources, references, and sources for letters of recommendation. So, instead of effectively using their out-of-class time, they end up wasting or abusing it. Learning is strengthened when it takes place in a social context that involves human interaction.
So, if we have frequent, high-quality dialogue with others, we increase the quality of our thinking and the quantity of our knowledge. An academic advisor can be an effective referral agent who is in a position to direct students to, and connect them with, campus support services that best serve their needs.
An advisor can also help students understand college procedures and navigate the bureaucratic maze of college policies and politics. A mentor can assist students in trouble-shooting difficult or complicated issues that they may not be able to resolve on their own. A mentor is also someone with whom students can share good news, such as their success stories and personal accomplishments. There are many other people on campus who have the potential to be outstanding mentors, such as the following:.
Research on college students repeatedly points to the importance of the peer group as a powerful source of social and intellectual support. One study of over 25, college students revealed that, when students interact with each other while learningthey achieve higher levels of academic performance and are more likely to complete their college degree Astin, R esearch on students from kindergarten through college has shown that when students collaborate in teams, college success reflection paper, their academic performance and interpersonal skills improve significantly Cuseo, One way in which students college success reflection paper do this is by participating in learning communitiesin which the same group college success reflection paper students takes the same block of courses together during the same academic term.
Research shows that students who participate in learning community programs are more likely to: a become actively involved in classroom learning, b form their own learning groups outside the classroom, c report greater intellectual gains, and d continue their college college success reflection paper Tinto, college success reflection paper, Student success requires not only actionbut also reflection —that is, reflecting on what they have donewhat they are doingcollege success reflection paper, and what they will do.
Such reflection or thoughtful review is the flip side of active involvement. Both processes are needed for learning to be complete. Active involvement is necessary for engaging attention —which enables students to initially get information into their brain, and reflection is necessary for consolidation —keeping that information in their brain, by locking it into their long-term memory.
In fact, researchers have discovered that there are different brain-wave patterns are associated with each of these two essential processes of human learning Bradshaw, This process is essential for promoting self-awarenesswhich is a critical first step toward self-improvement, strategic planning, and decision-making.
Personal Values : what is important to you; what you care about doing. Personal Abilities or Aptitudes : what you do well or are have the potential to do well. Learning Habits : how you go about learning—the usual approaches, methods, or techniques you use to learn.
Learning Styles —how you prefer to learn, that is, your preferred manner of:. a receiving information e. b perceiving information e. c processing information—how you tend to deal mentally with information that you have received and perceived e. Personality Traits: your temperamentemotional characteristics or social tendencies, college success reflection paper, for example, whether you tend to be an introvert or extrovert.
Academic Self-Concept : your personal beliefs about what kind of student you think you areand how you perceive yourself as a learner, college success reflection paper.
In particular, two components of academic self-concept play an important role in college success:. a Academic Self-Efficacy —the degree to which students believe that they are in control of their own academic fate. That is, whether they think their academic success depends largely on themselves their self-motivation and self-determination and that they can change for the better by increasing their effort and improving.
their habits ; or, whether they believe that academic success depends largely on. factors beyond their control e. and that they cannot change or improve their performance e. b Academic Self-Esteem— how you feel about yourself as a student e. As part of this self-monitoring process, successful students also maintain awareness of what they are attempting to learn for example, science or literature and they self-regulate or adjust their learning strategies in a way that best meets the specific demands of the subject they are trying to learn Pintrich, For instance, they read more slowly and stop to test their understanding more frequently when reading technical material in a science textbook than when reading a novel in a literature course.
In contrast, unsuccessful students often do not maintain this high level of self-awareness during the learning process, which can result in their not being fully aware of what method they are using to learn, college success reflection paper, whether the method they are using is most effective for the college success reflection paper of material they are attempting to learn, or if they are actually understanding the material they are attempting to learn.
In particular, successful students take the reflection time needed to transform information into a form that is personally meaningful to them, college success reflection paper, i.
Successful students reflect on and make use of information they receive from others on how to improve their performance. In college, successful students are alert to potential sources of valuable feedback they may receive from professors, academic advisors, academic support professionals, and student life professionals. Successful students reflect not only on what they have done and what they are currently doing, they also engage in self- projection —reflecting on what they will be doing in the more distant future.
This process of futuristic thinking involves the twin tasks of goal-setting and long-range planning. In short, successful college students are active, interactive, collaborative, and reflective learners who capitalize on the full range of campus resources available to promote their academic, personal, and professional success.
þ Get Involved in Class—come prepared, listen actively, take notes, college success reflection paper, and participate. þ Read Actively —take notes while you read to increase attention and retention. þ Spend a Significant Amount of Time on Academic Activities Outside of Class—make it a hour work week, college success reflection paper. þ Participate in service-learning volunteer experiences and internships off campus. þ Peers —by joining campus clubs and student organizations.
þ Faculty —by connecting with them immediately after class, in their offices, or by e-mail. þ Academic Advisors college success reflection paper them for more than just a signature to register; find an, college success reflection paper.
advisor you can relate to and with whom you can develop an ongoing relationship. þ Mentors —try to find experienced people on campus who can serve as trusted guides and role models.
þ Forming Learning Teams —not only last-minute study groups, but teams that collaborate more regularly to work on such tasks asking lecture notes.
completing reading assignments, editing writing assignments, conducting library esearch, and reviewing results of exams and course assignments.
þ Participating in Learning Communities —enroll in two or more classes with the same students during the same term. þ Take Self-Assessment Tests—to gain greater awareness of your interests, college success reflection paper, abilities, learning habits, learning styles, self-concept, college success reflection paper, and personality traits. þ Self-Monitor your learning—maintain awareness of how you are learning, what you are learning, and if you are learning.
þ Reflect on Feedback —seek information form others professionals and peers on the quality of your performance and what specifically you can do to improve it. þ Reflect college success reflection paper Your Future —from time to time, college success reflection paper, take time from the daily grind to look ahead, set long-term goals, and develop strategic plans for your major, your career, and your life. Cuseo, J. Personal Interests : college success reflection paper you like or enjoy doing.
Learning Styles —how you prefer to learn, that is, your preferred manner of: a receiving information e.
Student reflection samples based on standards
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4/5/ · Instructions: This Reflection paper is based on the book Outliers- the Story of Success. The goal of this assignment is for you to reflect on the ideas and concepts discussed by Gladwell and how they might relate to your own personal experience either at Seneca, or at home, work, or play Educational reflection paper is basically a response to the film, book, or even a lecture that is quite commonly viewed based on academic setting to analyze the students’ competence. Professional reflection paper requires a method for the analysis of professional behavior that is quite commonly used among social workers as well as teachers College success Section: GWY4 Final Reflection Paper #4 Date: 4/16/ Name: Aya Mahmoud Success means to have a plan to your goals, to work very hard and never give up It’s to make decision and in the next day start working for it, like if I want to get high grades I have to study hard, do homework, go to class, ask for help if I need it
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