The Benefits of Attending a Community College Essay example. Words4 Pages. A look back at the institution of education over the past 20 years will reveal that once upon a time a bachelor’s degree was long since considered the marker of ultimate success, the highest level of achievement that one could make in their lives 6/2/ · There are many benefits to attending a community college and these are some of the benefits I feel that I have gotten from my school. Community College has given me the opportunity to receive a quality education for a reasonable price. The teachers here care about me and want to see me succeed in all that I do, while also encouraging me to strive for success in achieving my dreams 4/17/ · How to Write The Community Essay. Step 1: Decide What Community to Write About; Step 2: The BEABIES Exercise Step 3: Pick a Structure (Narrative or Montage) Community Essay Example: East Meets West Community Essay Example: Storytellers The Uncommon Connections Exercise Community Essay Example: The Pumpkin House (Plus Ethan's Analysis)
Community College Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines
Please join StudyMode to read the full document. The community college system has educated more than forty percent of the United States population. In addition, employment preparation and job market needs are incapably connected, and there is a substantial disconnect between high school, community colleges community college essay four-year institutions AACC, Though there is an enormous amount of work to be accomplished in the twenty-first century, the community college have engaged in difficult work on their campus to achieve improvement of completion rates, increased levels of student learning, preparation for the twenty-first century jobs, and of course, more equitable outcomes for students of color and other students Addison is an advocate of the American community college system, which enabled her to reach her own goals of becoming a veterinarian student.
Just begin. S University of Phoenix August 29, As seniors prepare to graduate from high school this upcoming school year, many have to decide on whether to apply to a four year university or stay close to home to attend college. This decision can be difficult for some because of the rising cost of universities, grades, and test scores determining entrances into their desired community college essay, or community college essay if college is the right fit community college essay them.
Community colleges are a great opportunity for students recent graduates, working adults, even senior citizens to explore their option to continue their education, and finding their path in life without having to take out a second mortgage. Even though community colleges has a bad reputation because it is seen as an undesired alternative for higher education, but in fact many are nationally recognized institutions with outstanding faculty.
There are tons of benefits many overlook to receiving their college education at the local community college, community college essay.
The most important and convincing argument for attending community college is price. With the unprecedented rise of universities tuition, and interest College is where many people make the decisions that will mold them for the rest of their lives.
In college you meet the people who will leave the biggest impressions on your future. Challenges in college will make a person question life. When will you graduate? How will you make more money than when you started? These challenges are what will shape and form students into the new working generation, community college essay. So what exactly is a challenge? A challenge is defined as something that by nature or character calls forth special effort. This is a reason why college is beneficial: it challenges you.
It expands the normal range of thought, community college essay. By influencing a person to think different thoughts. How does this pertain to higher educational learning? Say a student is taking a first level Spanish class, and they walk in to realize that the teacher speaks only in Spanish. What should they do? Or when a student is late for class but their teachers locks the door on late students. The way that these students handle these situations will determine how they deal with situation throughout the rest of their lives We have your traditional, community college essay, untraditional, veterans, and single parents, community college essay.
You need a great deal of discipline to succeed here reality sets in and if community college essay are not disciplined then you will fail out and waste a lot of money.
You will always make mistakes while being here but learning from those mistakes is what will make you a better student. While you attend you will create a lot of friendships and several kinds of them.
Your traditional students are the students that attend college right after they get out of high school or are under the age of untraditional students are your students that are above the age of 25 and are attending college to move up in their job or just wanting a career the needs a type of degree so they go to school. Veterans are attending the school to become a higher rank in the military or because they are Gaining a basic understanding of the varied learning styles of the students will create a challenge for the instructor to provide effective learning opportunities for the students.
Biological Analysis An important biological factor that affects adult learners in a varied classroom with varied age groups is life experiences in the learning process. It should be understood by the educator that adult learners have varied life issues at different stages of life and these issues affect the learning process. Adult learners in the course will have barriers such as the lack of time, family and, personal life obligations and can experience the lack of understanding course theory and work.
Understanding and learning coursework may be slowly learned by an older adult learner than the younger adults which can causes anxiety about learning. The Hall of Fame of Great Americans is a museum located at Bronx Community College that focuses on Americans that made history, community college essay, change American society and culture, community college essay.
Many students pass through this landmark without knowing the reason why is it there including me. I have always wondered why is it that this museum is located at this campus and not in another place where it could be noticeable like in the museum of Natural History, community college essay, Grand Central, Central Park, or in the Metropolitan Museum or any other popular places in New York City. I personally took a tour through the Hall of Fame to see what it consists of.
I was amazed by the things I saw because they were historians that I have never heard of. I saw a collection community college essay bronze faces community college essay both genders, female and male.
Under their bronze faces you will see their name follow the year they were born, the year they died and a quote, community college essay. The quotes under their name represented statements they wrote as a message base on their belief.
This place looks like a real museum a little different because is at open air, community college essay. Usually museums are built to keep special work of arts, specimen of scientist or other objects of permanent value. In this case this museum shows over 98 great American sculptures for us to honor for the things they have done for us The Benefits of Attending a Community College Some prospective college students tend to overlook the many benefits that come along with attending a community college.
This may be because they aren't aware of the advantages or they don't have a true understanding of how this type of educational training can benefit them. Whatever the case may be, year after year large numbers of people opt to go straight from high school into four-year universities. Although that is of course a fantastic route to take, people should also give some thought to the notion of attending a community college. One of the best things about attending this type of educational institution is the smaller class sizes that are offered.
At traditional universities, sometimes classes community college essay have anywhere from 50 to students at one time. This may not seem like a big deal, but the larger the class, the less opportunity students have to get one-on-one interaction with their professors. This may not be important to some people. However, being able to contact their professor with questions or even for tutoring sessions community college essay vital to many people.
In fact, being able to have an accessible professor can make the difference in whether or not some students pass or fail. So, one of the great things about choosing these types of establishments are the fact that they promote more Sign Up, community college essay.
Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays Benefits Of Community College. Benefits Of Community College Topics: Higher educationUniversityCollege Pages: 4 words Published: June 2, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document, community college essay. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful. Essay about The Benefits Of Community College Read More. The Benefits of Community Community college essay Essay The Benefits of Community College Research Paper Benefits of A College Education Essay Community College Essay Credit-Based Community College Course Essay the hall of fame in Bronx Community College Essay The Benefits of Attending a Community College Essay Popular Essays.
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6/2/ · There are many benefits to attending a community college and these are some of the benefits I feel that I have gotten from my school. Community College has given me the opportunity to receive a quality education for a reasonable price. The teachers here care about me and want to see me succeed in all that I do, while also encouraging me to strive for success in achieving my dreams Persuasive Essay On Community College invested by Barack Obama for two free years of community colleges for American citizens in order to help with financial need. That means Obama is trying to get community colleges to be free to students that need extra 4/17/ · How to Write The Community Essay. Step 1: Decide What Community to Write About; Step 2: The BEABIES Exercise Step 3: Pick a Structure (Narrative or Montage) Community Essay Example: East Meets West Community Essay Example: Storytellers The Uncommon Connections Exercise Community Essay Example: The Pumpkin House (Plus Ethan's Analysis)
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