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Critical appraisal sample essay

Critical appraisal sample essay

critical appraisal sample essay

This paper presents a critical appraisal of the study by Vickerman et al. () that seeks to identify whether there is a relationship between long-term exposure to anti-smoking adverts and cessation outcomes among smokers. It identifies the research as well as several methodological aspects that are crucial to a study of this nature Sample Essay: Critical Appraisal of Research: A Qualitative, & A Quantitative Research Report Introduction A nurse’s career is not only professionally challenging but also puts great demand on physical and mental resources to cope up with the continuously changing environment within a You may also like sample essay outlines. 3. Your critical essay should teach your audience something new. Whether it is a new perspective, or a fresh idea, or a life lesson, they should have something useful to take from your paper. 4. Your tone in writing your critical essay should be objective and serious

9+ Critical Essay Examples - PDF | Examples

A nurse practitioner is expected to comply with the orders of the physician meticulously and flawlessly as well as take appropriate decisions on her own according to the ever changing situation in a patient care setting.

This requires discipline, punctuality; evidence based and informed decision making capability, as well as thorough professional competence in terms of theoretical and practical skills. In fact a nurse has to play the role of a physician, counselor, pharmacist, critical appraisal sample essay, family member and psychologist all rolled into one at the same time while dealing with her patients. No doubt, this requires a high level of competence which can easily break a normal person.

Nemcek and Brown have attempted to address these particular issues precisely in their quantitative and qualitative studies respectively. She has conducted a quantitative study to arrive at a statistically significant inference, which might serve to indicate the relationship between the three aspects she has identified as vital in nursing practice.

Brown, on the other hand has attempted to conduct an incisive and precise qualitative analysis of the capabilities of established nurse leaders in comprehending the essence of self care and its vital critical appraisal sample essay in allowing them to function effectively in a challenging work environment by obtaining their personal views.

The framework for analysis of a research article must identify what problem is being addressed, the purpose for research in the problem area, and a gist of previous and current research on an aspect in order to arrive at a sensible and statistically valid conclusion.

The theoretical framework and hypothesis should be clearly stated and the sample size selected for the study should be adequate to provide a valid result.

Both studies have satisfied these criteria within the limits imposed by the apparently small sample sizes. The title of the paper is succinct and self explanatory though it does not portray that the relationship between the three aspects enumerated is the focus of the study.

The abstract is a succinct summarization of the intention behind the research and explains the salient points of the inference obtained as a result. She feels that such strategies should involve regular programs aimed at teaching and assisting nurses to modify personal lifestyle behaviors and their work environment in order to lead more fulfilling lives.

She has opined that thoroughly satisfied nursing professionals can deliver better healthcare services to the public which can serve to relieve them of undue stress and ultimate burnout, which are forcing younger nurses in particular to opt out from the profession altogether in the current era, resulting in serious shortages, critical appraisal sample essay. Building upon her own definition of the term published in an earlier paper, she has eulogized the benefits of happiness and satisfaction in general life for success in any professional pursuit.

Past quantitative studies on this aspect had mainly concentrated on finding the differences self nurturance exerts between normal and psychologically perturbed subjects.

This was followed by the actual study conducted on volunteer nurses who were recruited through an online advertisement. Adequate provisions were made by the author to critical appraisal sample essay institutional approval and informed consent in both pilot and the actual study. This seems to be an appropriate sample size at this stage as it eliminates variation due to institutional differences and also makes the volunteers to be adequately prepared for the type of questionnaires they are going to be subjected to.

Although a larger sample size could have been more indicative of the results but as this study was the first effort of its kind, the novelty of the idea compensates for critical appraisal sample essay small sample size.

Moreover, an already accepted descriptive, critical appraisal sample essay, correlational statistical design was chosen by the author, which is appropriate for this kind of study.

The questionnaires were carefully planned to yield pertinent data as far as the motives for the desired ends are concerned. SPSS is the most common statistical software employed these days for analysis of various kinds of data with assured accuracy due to dependence on computers rather than manual calculations. The author has described all instruments in detail as far as their historical origin and critical appraisal sample essay for this particular study are concerned, critical appraisal sample essay.

In identical studies done in the past, correlations were found to be within permissible limits of consistency as well as accuracy required to form valid inferences. The results have been depicted in easily comprehensible tabulated forms which describe the demographic details of the participants, mean values obtained for critical appraisal sample essay three instruments under study and the correlational attributes within the three.

The age range of the participants in the study is fairly wide and represents inexperienced as well as experienced nurses. Errors due to sex or demographic variations seem to be minimal as most respondents were female and White. Expectedly the statistical analysis revealed no significant variation between demographics and self nurturance or life and career satisfaction scales. Mean scores of all parameters under study revealed scores of 3.

Extremely significant correlation was established between MSNS and SWLS, MSNS and NCSS, and SWLS and NCSS. The Critical appraisal sample essay score of 3. The variables which could have affected the results of this study and can be considered dependant include age variations, differences values of life due to individual perception, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, educational level, job setting, home environment and personal circumstances.

The independent variable was the same profession of the participants, critical appraisal sample essay. The author has later described how a highly structured and organized environment as in Magnet Hospitals can impact overall satisfaction in a nursing practitioner in a positive manner.

Greater autonomy and participation in administrative decisions in such locations facilitates career satisfaction which has a direct impact on satisfaction in life in general and promotes self nurturance. Implications for occupational nurses in particular have been discussed as the author believes that they are the pertinent link in inculcating self nurturance tendencies affecting career and life satisfaction of the employees working under their guidance.

This suggests that the study should involve a predictive design i. measures of the same construct should be measured sometimes in the future and the similar sets of data are compared for ascertaining validity.

The abstract briefly introduces the necessity for eliminating stress among nurses due to their overt vulnerability due to the high demands the profession places upon them.

The research methodology has been clearly defined critical appraisal sample essay a hermeneutic phenomenology which evaluated the lived experience of 10 carefully selected nurse leaders by intimate interaction with them. The abstract enumerates the findings in the form of four common themes, based on which the author has recommended the use of holistic and creative methods to reinforce self renewal among nurse leaders.

The author has pointedly explained that though nurses are accustomed to caring for others, they are themselves subject to neglect due to the high demands of the profession. She cites a number of previous studies which have substantially proved the importance of holistic self care practices among nurses and its contribution to their positive image among the patients, critical appraisal sample essay.

Her primary aim in this study was to reinforce the concept of self care in nurse leaders who had been exposed to a caring-for self program in a community hospital setting. A research project lasting ten weeks was initiated at the behest of the chief nursing officer of a private bedded hospital in South Florida within a community setting after the delivery of a seminar on caring for self by the author. During the subsequent sequence of events, the author decided to conduct a personal interview based study on the lived experience of shortlisted participants on an individual basis, critical appraisal sample essay.

The author has cited profusely critical appraisal sample essay pertinent literature to highlight the challenges which necessitate the need of caring for self among nurses who might be exposed to the precipitation of physical, emotional and behavioral disorders due to stress factors at work.

She has enumerated the various standards accepted and being practiced by appropriate organizations like the American Holistic Nursing Association AHNA for holistic nurse self care and its pertinence in actual practice. She has quoted substantially to explain the nuances related to this phenomenological approach. The ten nursing leaders chosen as participants were carefully selected based on the vital positions they occupied in the community hospital setting and appropriate environment for the interactions was created after obtaining due approval and sanction of pertinent authority.

Care was taken that the interviews and the post interview interactions took place in a quiet, stress free environment with no disturbance. The number of years in nursing which ranged from years as well as the number of years in leadership roles which ranged between 8 months to 24 years suggest that the participant selection was most appropriate, as it is likely to yield common viewpoints as well as differences of opinion, if any due to age and experience variations.

Other variables were educational background and family affiliations such as responsibility towards children or aged parents. All participants were pre-exposed to a week caring-for-self project at the hospital itself and had adequate time to interact with each other and participate in activities designed to enhance self growth and creativity.

Although the ten participants were reluctant to being interviewed after the 10 week period in a taped conversation, they continued to meet monthly and agreed for the same after an elapse of one year.

The data collection and analysis was in the form of carefully prepared and reviewed transcripts of the one-to-one taped interviews between the researcher and individual participants with due respect to privacy by omitting details of the participants which were mutually decided upon as being too personal. Interviews lasted minutes each and began with general questions about self care after which the verbal cues were built upon to pose specific queries about self care, critical appraisal sample essay.

The participants were free to express themselves in the form of anecdotes and stories which explained their personal values and viewpoints. Line by line analysis of the transcripts was carried out by employing special software called ATLAS.

ti which has been claimed by the author to provide a consistent decision trail as far as theme analysis was concerned. These themes have been elaborated by the author one by one with generous excerpts of the interviews which she considered as pertinent for arriving at the inferences which aided her in building the theme categories.

Caring for self increased the ascent atop the mountain as it increased the level of what the nursing practitioners could give to their patients in terms of positivity, critical appraisal sample essay.

All participants had their moments of realization when they felt the need for self care in adverse circumstances as they found that the work pressures had gotten too much or their involvement had been so intense that they failed to recognize that they were not taking care of themselves.

Their healing efforts for self included indulging in personal hobbies such as driving or reading books, critical appraisal sample essay, which gave them adequate diversion from their respective routines, to reestablish their self identities. Sharing and assisting other in the profession were considered as vital in promoting the awareness about self care and attain a balance between work and life in general.

Holistic self care practices on a shared platform have been recommended by the author in her conclusion which she believes will enable registered nursing leaders to encourage their employees and prevent burnouts as well as promote professional achievement and growth. The limitations in this study include the small number of participants as well as an environment and methodology which might have elicited subdued responses due to privacy concerns. The articles analyzed above stress upon the importance of self care in nursing practitioners which has assumed greater significance in recent years due to reduced workforce and the high attention span required in the workplace, critical appraisal sample essay.

Excess work does not allow a nurse to stop critical appraisal sample essay think about caring for self though she is expected to care for others. This has resulted in situations where some practitioners contemplate withdrawing from the profession altogether or suffer burnouts which are extremely damaging physically as well as emotionally. The first article is a quantitative analysis of the relationship between self nurturance, life and career satisfaction which have been found to be positively correlated with each other Nemcek, The second critical appraisal sample essay though philosophical in content, critical appraisal sample essay, uses an appropriate phenomenological approach to probe the values attributed to self care by established nursing practitioner leaders from various fields through personal interviews Brown, Both articles not only suggest further research in this aspect but also offer suggestions to future nursing leaders to incorporate self care and self nurturance into their professional sphere for optimum growth and satisfaction with nursing as a career.

Brown, C, critical appraisal sample essay. Self-renewal in nursing leadership: The lived experience of caring for self, Journal of. Nemcek, M. We will revise critical appraisal sample essay paper until you are completely satisfied. Moreover, you are free to request a different writer to rewrite your paper entirely, should you be unhappy with the writing style, level of research, communication, etc.

Otherwise, we will just give you your money back. No one will ever find out that you have used our service. We guarantee that your personal information as well as any other data related to your order s will remain confidential to the extent allowed by law. It will not be shared with any third party unless you provide a written consent. Service Highlights. Our Writers. Work Samples. Support Center. Order Now. Conclusion The articles analyzed above stress upon the importance of self care in nursing practitioners which has assumed greater significance in recent years due to reduced workforce and the high attention span required in the workplace.

References Brown, C. Self-renewal in nursing leadership: The lived experience of caring for self, Journal of Holistic Nursing27 2 Filed under: Sample essays — Tags: career nursesCritical Appraisaloptimum growthphysical and mental resourcesprofessional competencetheoretical and practical skills — admin am.

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Evidence-Based Practice Step 3- Rapid Critical Appraisal

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Essay on Critical Appraisal - Words

critical appraisal sample essay

For the purposes of this paper, a critical appraisal was conducted on the paper “Understanding the experience of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who access specialist palliative care: A qualitative study” by Hayle et al., (). In order to critique the selected article, the Caldwell et al., () critiquing framework was employed, to ensure a valid and objective approach to the appraisal process You may also like sample essay outlines. 3. Your critical essay should teach your audience something new. Whether it is a new perspective, or a fresh idea, or a life lesson, they should have something useful to take from your paper. 4. Your tone in writing your critical essay should be objective and serious Sample Essay: Critical Appraisal of Research: A Qualitative, & A Quantitative Research Report Introduction A nurse’s career is not only professionally challenging but also puts great demand on physical and mental resources to cope up with the continuously changing environment within a

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