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Definition essay examples love

Definition essay examples love

definition essay examples love

Listen to me. Here I am a young, high school student, here to define a word that has so many meanings. Love can be a definition a variety of things or periods of time throughout someone’s live. It can be the love that you feel for a family member, a significant other, a pet, a subject and even an object. There is no specific definition for love 11/4/ · What Is Love? Definition Essay people love is a complete devotion and endless adoration, for others is a temporary feeling that will disappear in time. For some people it is a fairy-tale and for others it is a dream come true. Some people say love is once-in-a lifetime thing and others believe that after one love comes another Definition Essay: Love. Love is something that means very different things to different people. For some, love can be purely romantic, or even purely sexual. For others, real love is utterly unconditional and only truly exists between family members, or between people and a deity. And for some people, love is fluid, ever changing, and everywhere

Free Essay: Love Definition Essay

Please join StudyMode to read the full document, definition essay examples love. Love is an incredibly powerful word. But what exactly is love? Lovefrom my stance, is directly intertwined with trust. Without trust, love is unable to reach its full capacity. Like a rose, definition essay examples love, love can be a beautiful thing, but it also has the ability to pierce your flesh like a thorn and create a scar that will never heal completely.

Definition essay examples love trust in a relationship, this is exactly what happens. Once a person is betrayed by one they lovedefinition essay examples love person cannot look at the one who betrayed them in the same way ever again, definition essay examples love.

Love is supposed to be a definition essay examples love thing, and this verse says that trust brings happiness to love. Trust affects every area of a relationship. Being able to What is love? Millions of people say "I love you" everyday, throwing the word around without knowing what the word truly means. Love is something that means different things to different definition essay examples love. For some, love is a complete devotion. For others, it is a temporary feeling that will disappear in time.

People say love is once — in — a life time, and others think that after one love ends, another comes. Affection, passion, respect and loyalty are all ways to define love. It does not matter what term is used because they are all forms of love. Most people in society define love as passionate affection for another person; However, love requires commitment, communication, and honesty. Many people say that love unconditional, and some truly believe that.

One can't have that one true love if there is no commitment. Without commitment, love will not be able to grow. Commitment is a risk one has to be willing to take and accept the possibility of disappointment or emotional pain.

No one said that being truthful and committed was easy, because there will always be ups and downs. It is tough because people are faced with numerous temptations daily. Although commitment is demanding and lots of hard work, being committed to someone can be very rewarding Love by definition is an emotion explored in philosophy, religion, and literature, often as either romantic lovethe fraternal love of others, or the love of God based on the definition found in The Encarta Encyclopedia.

As I explored the definition by means of the Internet, books, and articles I noticed the definitions changed quite a bit, but yet had the same basic understanding. The definition I found in The Encarta Encyclopedia was probably the most simple and most basic. It refers to love in the whole aspect, which is Godly, fraternal, and romantic.

All in which can only be defined by one word and that it love. The definitions of love are the same and yet different. Godly, for instance is the love of God, and your devotion and respect toward him, definition essay examples love, the creator. In all religion, god carries the same aspect. Fraternal love is the love of ones family and relatives, even the love of one who is close to you, in that respect, such as a friend.

Then there's romantic love ; a love between two people, which I consider to be both intimate and definition essay examples love. Older dictionaries and encyclopedias usually refer to the romantic aspect of loveas the love in which is experience between man Love is defined as a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person, definition essay examples love.

For some people, love is complete devotion and endless adoration. For others is a temporary feeling that will definition essay examples love in time. For some people, it is a fairy-tale, while for others it is a dream come true. Some people say love is once-in-a lifetime and others think that after one love ends, another comes. The more one tries to find a universal definition of lovethe more one can get confused with all the meanings one gets from different people around them.

As soon as one thinks they got closer to the true meaning of loveone may come to realize that the definition of love is unique to one another. Affection, devotion, passion, desire, warmth, respect or loyalty are all ways to define love. It does not matter what termed is used because they are all forms of love. Some are powerful and demand attention and commitment, while other forms are more subtle. Love is a broad emotion that can be powerful and demanding, but also rewarding and pleasurable, definition essay examples love.

Love requires commitment. Although commitment is demanding and a lot Love has different meanings to different people. True love is not based on how good looking a person is. I think true love should be about how much definition essay examples love care about a person and how much you guys have in common.

Does the tone of his voice resonate well with you? True love should have trust and commitment. True love is when you meet someone and say this is the person that I want to be definition essay examples love in my life. Love should be when you love someone because of their personality and what kind of person they are.

However, I think they were not truly in love. Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time and think they are in love with each other. In addition to the argument they got married the next day of meeting each other. Both he and Juliet are bewitched by the magic spell of loving looks. LOVE What is the definition of love? The formal definition states that love is; 1. Intense affection, 2. A feeling of attraction resulting from sexual desire, definition essay examples love, and 3.

Enthusiasm or fondness. Although these definitions are all true there is a deeper meaning to this word, this word can be a feeling, a choice, even a state of mind. Love is a many splendid thing; you cannot live without it even if you try it is not possible. It is not possible to live without love because each and every person holds something to them dearly whether it's a child's toy, a pet, or even a significant someone.

For instance a child has a favorite toy or blanket, that child loves definition essay examples love or her "security thing", they have an intense affection for it even if it isn't a living thing. A pet's love to its owner is a respectful love knowing that the owner loves it makes the animal feel safe and definition essay examples love return the respect to make its owner feel safe.

Now we get into the love one person has for another of the opposite sex. This love is often confused with lust the sweaty hands and butterflies in your stomach feeling. Lust is far from love ; lust only lives in ones looks and definition essay examples love for a very short while. It dies or gets boring, travels from person to person. You may think you are "in This is when two characters or people are attracted to each other. Romantic love most likely leads to marriage and children.

Romantic love should be taken seriously, but, sadly, many people do not follow people life is love, definition essay examples love. It is the feeling that almost everyone have experienced. The meaning of love is not only varies between different cultures, which western people tend to focus more on passion than eastern people, but also between different people. Each person may have their own definition of love according to their experience or their own believe.

However, according to the Cambridge dictionary, the meaning of love is to have a strong affection for someone, which can be combined with a strong romantic attraction.

As seen in the definitionthe word love can be use to describe other emotion rather than romantic feeling between couples as well. In psychology field, the psychologist believe that there are many kind of love other than the one that people usually think of which is romantic love. The six styles are include the 3 primary love types which are eros, ludus and torge and the 3 secondary love patterns that combine two of the primary love together which are mania, pragma and agape. The most common one that people are familiar with because it can be seen in most movie is Eros or erotic.

Eros can be described as passion and romance. It is the Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays What Is Love? Definition Essay. What Is Love? Definition Essay Topics: MarriageLoveWife Pages: 3 words Published: August 8, definition essay examples love, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document.

Definition Essay

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definition essay examples love

Love is a subject that always interests people more than any other. Men and women talk about it, try to find it, and often think of it as the most important thing in life. This is true of all cultures. Love is the one emotion that everybody wants to feel and experts even say that life is impossible without it 11/4/ · What Is Love? Definition Essay people love is a complete devotion and endless adoration, for others is a temporary feeling that will disappear in time. For some people it is a fairy-tale and for others it is a dream come true. Some people say love is once-in-a lifetime thing and others believe that after one love comes another 8/8/ · This is my definition of love, but the dictionary definition is, “ A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep personal affection.” Three main examples are romantic love,

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