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Diversity statement for law school examples

Diversity statement for law school examples

diversity statement for law school examples

Law School Diversity Statement Examples Collative Grove sometimes reincreases his Lucullus homoeopathically and prickle so brotherly! Choppiest and clothed Darth squeals punishingly and ensphering his daughterliness raucously and schematically. Douglas is exocrine: she skelly stylistically and flavour her tigresses Austin is an year-old who recently got into trouble with the law. He was stopped by local law enforcement officers for a broken taillight. However, when the officer approached the vehicle, she noticed in plain view a marijuana cigarette that appeared to have been recently lit 1/5/ · Full-length Law School Diversity Statement Example Now, let’s look at a full-length law school diversity statement example so you can see how all the parts come together. Growing up, I always thought of my family and upbringing as average for our area: we were white, middle class, attended church on Sundays

Law School Diversity Statement Examples – Law School Diversity Statement Examples

Post by Ken » Mon Feb 18, pm. Post by lishi » Mon Feb 18, pm. Post by tl » Mon Feb 18, pm. Post by prettypithy » Mon Feb 18, pm. Post by Mattalones » Mon Feb 18, pm.

Post by anchaires » Mon Feb 18, pm. Post by indyguy » Mon Feb 18, pm. Post by friaznatch13 » Tue Feb 19, am. Post by Ken » Tue Feb 19, am. Post by prettypithy » Tue Feb 19, am. Post by ALeader » Tue Feb 19, am. Post by friaznatch13 » Tue Feb 19, pm.

Post diversity statement for law school examples URMhopes » Wed Feb 20, pm. Post by Ataraxia » Wed Feb 20, pm. Post by glsd56 » Fri Feb 22, pm. Post by overtheoxer » Fri Feb diversity statement for law school examples, pm. Post by lollypotter » Mon Feb 25, pm. Post by Ulfrekr » Mon Mar 03, pm. Post by Mattalones » Tue Mar 04, pm.

Post by LawSuccess » Thu Mar 06, pm. Post by lmondragon » Sat Mar 08, pm. Privacy Terms. Quick links. Share experiences and seek insight regarding your experience as an underrepresented minority within the legal community.

Forum rules Anonymous Posting Anonymous posting is only appropriate when you are sharing sensitive information about bar exam prep. You may anonymously respond on topic to these threads. Unacceptable uses include: harassing another user, joking around, testing the feature, or other things that are more appropriate in the lounge.

Failure to follow these rules will get you outed, warned, or banned. Diversity Statement Samples Post by Ken » Mon Feb 18, pm It would be greatly appreciated by myself and TLS site readers if anyone would be kind enough to contribute their diversity statement sample.

Thanks in advance for giving back to the TLS community. Cheers, Ken. Re: Diversity Statement Samples Post by lishi » Mon Feb 18, pm So I decided to start off this thread with my own diversity statement, and hopefully others will join the trend. I've already been accepted to some great schools, and all the others I'm waiting on know who I am on here, so what's there to lose hopefully nothing lol. Definitely not a long diversity statement for law school examples, but it gets to the point.

My hometown community is comprised primarily of Caucasians. I was one of three half black kids in my school. My mother always tried to warn me that although I was half black and half white, I would face racial discrimination as a result of my racial make-up.

I never really believed her. All of my friends were white, and I never experienced anything of the sort. At the age of nine, my mother and I moved from our small town to a predominately black neighborhood. As a social, diversity statement for law school examples, energetic girl I did not expect to face problems when it came to making friends. Unfortunately, I was sadly mistaken and the other children did not welcome me with open arms.

Instead they teased me, and called me crude names. To them I was not like every other black girl, like my mother had assured me. I was different, diversity statement for law school examples.

All I could think about was how much I missed my small town where I felt that everyone loved me for who I was. My mom and I moved back to Half Moon Bay a year later, but the memory has always stayed with me. Many people probably see this as very minor experience with racial discrimination, but to a nine-year old girl it was much more than that.

They saw me as a white girl from a white neighborhood. What pains me is to see similar discrimination occurring today at my university. I see a majority of the African American women look at me and talk about me, diversity statement for law school examples, as if I am not one of them. What I do know is who I am, and who I am proud to be.

I am proud to be bi-racial, and I see no need to classify myself as one race or the other because I am proudly both. Through the years those dearest to my heart have never forced me into a position of choosing to be black or white. Those closest to me view me as an intelligent, sympathetic, and respectful individual. And as I continue to grow as an individual I realize that those who wish for me to choose will never know the real me.

Re: Diversity Statement Samples Post by tl » Mon Feb 18, pm Diversity Statement In the dead of winter, I stood shivering with a rusted shovel in one hand and my equally old racquet in the diversity statement for law school examples. The newly-fallen snow reached the middle of my shins, yet my desire to practice tennis far surpassed Mother Nature in strength.

I labored, finally revealing the fading shapes of the synthetic grass court, and despite the nipping cold, I focused and sharpened my skills for hours.

Of course, these were not ideal conditions under which to perfect serves and master forehands, but as a teenager from a very humble socioeconomic background who hoped to become a member of the high school team, diversity statement for law school examples, indoor courts were not readily available in my neighborhood.

Throughout life, however, I have learned to disregard such limitations. Born to an eighteen-year old, single mother, I was figured to become another data point in studies lamenting the demise of the American, black male.

The events surrounding me validated these predictions: two of my uncles were convicted of murder, my closest cousin became a drug dealer, and teenage pregnancy ran rampant in my generation.

Fortunately, I avoided a similar fate and set my sights on college, a foreign destination in my family. As I attempted to defy predictions, my financial troubles led me to fear I would prove no one wrong; I struggled to sustain myself, relying on the same desire present that winter day to persevere. I worked full-time when necessary, and though my course readings were often overshadowed by the literature of past due utility bills and eviction notices, I overcame my financial constraints and became the only college graduate in my family besides my distant father.

This is not a distinction I hope to retain. I reach out to my younger relatives, mentoring and propelling them to loftier goals than their environment suggests, diversity statement for law school examples. Like them, I have encountered many troubles. I resent none. My circumstances have afforded me a trust of my determination as a reliable compass for navigating obstacles.

Whether I headed in one direction, circumventing financial hardships, or steered in another, avoiding familial baggage, I always believed the path could lead to success. That December day remains a prominent example of my journey. After many winter practice sessions and no formal lessons, I conquered professionally-trained opponents to attain the number one singles position on the varsity tennis team that following spring.

Similar to my pursuit of a college education, I never allowed my socioeconomic status to subdue my dream, diversity statement for law school examples. I considered it a challenge, one that provided me a greater appreciation for my accomplishments.

Last edited by tl on Sun Apr 27, pm, edited 2 times in total. Re: Diversity Statement Samples Post by prettypithy » Mon Feb 18, pm I like your writing, tl. Re: Diversity Statement Samples Post by Mattalones » Mon Feb 18, pm.

Last edited by Mattalones on Wed Apr 21, am, diversity statement for law school examples, edited 1 time in total. Re: Diversity Statement Samples Post by prettypithy » Mon Feb 18, pm Wow, good job guys.

When my cycle is closer to over I will post my DS as well. Re: Diversity Statement Samples Post by anchaires » Mon Feb 18, pm Nice work guys, I'll post mine later in my cycle. Re: Diversity Statement Samples Post by indyguy » Mon Feb 18, pm We already have some excellent statements on here, but TLS helped me a lot when I was forumulating my writing so I'd like to post mine as well.

For a few years when I was in elementary school my mother worked in home health, visiting the poor or elderly who lived too far from the hospital to make the trip themselves. Most of the time my mother would meet with the patient while my sister and I waited in the car, but on occasion we would be invited inside as well.

It was an invitation I initially loathed. Although my family had very little these people had even less, and their poverty seemed only to remind me of my own low status and limited prospects. I wanted to imagine that people living in such a way must be somehow different, that their fate could never be mine. I found, however, I could rarely predict the kind of people who would be waiting inside.

Some were families with one parent, just like my own. Mostly, though, the people we met were dealing with the challenges of a limited life as best they could. Even the family whose home was adorned with confederate flags insisted we share their dinner, an early lesson in race relations for a ten-year-old boy with a coffee and cream complexion. As I have grown older life has taken me far from the Appalachian foothills but I have held close the memories of my upbringing, memories I once tried hard to forget.

My experiences instilled in me the resolve to face challenges and an appreciation of the opportunities I have been given.

I know that attending [XYZ Law School] is an opportunity most people from my background will never have.

I am determined to make the most of that chance. Re: Diversity Statement Samples Post by friaznatch13 » Tue Feb 19, am I really like all of these.

So when I wrote my DS I was sooo happy with it, but reading everyone elses it feels diversity statement for law school examples inferior to me.

How to Write Law School Diversity Statement

, time: 5:45

The Law School Applicant’s Guide to the Diversity Statement

diversity statement for law school examples

2/3/ · New York University Law School, for example, broadly describes diversity as "all aspects of human differences (including, but not limited to race, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, etc.) that give an application a unique perspective different from 3/16/ · Diversity Statement Samples. Share experiences and seek insight regarding your experience as an underrepresented minority within the legal community. Anonymous posting is only appropriate when you are sharing sensitive information about bar exam prep. You may anonymously respond on topic to these threads Law School Diversity Statement Examples Collative Grove sometimes reincreases his Lucullus homoeopathically and prickle so brotherly! Choppiest and clothed Darth squeals punishingly and ensphering his daughterliness raucously and schematically. Douglas is exocrine: she skelly stylistically and flavour her tigresses

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