Saturday, April 24, 2021

Feature writing

Feature writing

feature writing

5/5/ · Because features don’t rely on pure newsworthiness to engage their audience, they must have good writing, solid research and relatable themes. Features are often more colourfully written than news articles, and the writer has the opportunity to display creativity and flair Feature Writing For distinguished feature writing giving prime consideration to quality of writing, originality and concision, using any available journalistic tool, Fifteen thousand dollars ($15,) Feature Writing tells the reader a story. It has a beginning (lead), middle and end. It uses quotes liberally and allows the reader to see the story through detailed description and vivid writing

Feature Writing

For those who love words and the craft of writing, there's nothing like producing a great feature story. News features differ from hard news stories in tone and structure but are just as vital to readers' experience of a newspaper, website or magazine.

Most people feature writing of a feature story as something soft and puffy, written for the arts or fashion section of the newspaper or website. But in fact, features can feature writing about any subject, from the fluffiest lifestyle piece feature writing the toughest investigative report. Features aren't found just in the back pages of the paper, the ones that focus on things like home decor and music reviews. Features are found in every section of the paper, from news to business to sports.

Feature stories aren't defined so much by subject matter as they are by the style they are written in. In other words, anything written in a feature-oriented way is a feature story, feature writing. Some are better-written than others, but they all exist to fulfill a simple purpose: to convey information. Feature stories, on the other hand, aim to do much more. They do convey facts, but they also tell the stories of people's lives.

To do that, they must incorporate facets of writing often not found in news stories —ones that are often associated with fiction writing, including description, a greater use of quotes, anecdotes, feature writing, and sometimes extensive background feature writing. Hard-news ledes need to get all the important points of the story—the who, what, where, when, why, and how—into the very first sentence. Feature ledes, sometimes called delayed ledes, unfold more slowly. They allow the writer to tell a story in a more traditional, feature writing, narrative way.

The objective, of course, is to draw the reader into the story, to make them want to read more. Just as there are different kinds of hard-news stories, there are different kinds of features. Some of the main types include:. Beginning feature writers often wonder how much of each ingredient to include. In hard news writing, the answer is easy: Keep the story short, sweet, and to the point. But features are meant to be longer and to tackle their topics in greater depth and detail.

So how much detail, feature writing, description, and background information is too much—or too little? The short answer is if something helps support or amplify the angle of your story, use it. If it doesn't, leave it out, feature writing. Most editors will tell you that beginning writers need to use fewer feature writing and stronger, more interesting verbs. Here's why: The old rule in the writing business is, "Show, don't tell.

In other words, they rarely if ever evoke visual images in readers' minds; they are just a lazy substitute for writing good, effective description. Editors like the use of verbs because they convey action and give a story a sense of movement and momentum. Too often, though, writers use tired, overused verbs. The personality profile is an article about an individual, and profiles are one of the staples of feature writing. Profiles can be done on just about anyone interesting and newsworthy, whether it's the local mayor or a rock star.

Too many reporters think they can produce feature writing profiles where they spend a few hours with a subject and then bang out a story. That won't work. To really see what a person is like, you need to be with them long enough that they let their guard down and reveal their feature writing selves, feature writing. That won't happen in an hour or two.

Does a career spent reviewing movies, music, books, TV shows, or restaurants seem like Nirvana to you? But writing great reviews is a real art that many have tried, but few have mastered. Share Flipboard Email. English Writing Journalism Writing Essays Writing Research Papers English Grammar, feature writing. Tony Rogers. Journalism Expert. Tony Rogers has an M. in Journalism from Columbia University and has worked for the Associated Press and the New York Feature writing News, feature writing.

He has written and taught journalism for over 25 years. our editorial process. Cite this Article Format. Rogers, Tony. How to Write Feature Stories. copy citation. How to Write Great Ledes feature writing Feature Stories. Types of Feature Stories for Journalists, feature writing.

How Feature Writers Use Delayed Ledes. Here's Everything You Need to Know About Writing Great Reviews. Feature writing Secret to Writing Great Headlines for Your News Stories. Use Verbs and Adjectives to Brighten up Your News Stories.

Tips for Writing 5 Types of Sports Stories. Six Tips for Writing News Stories That Will Grab a Reader. Mainbars and Sidebars in News Coverage.


, time: 17:14

How to Write a Feature Article (with Pictures) - wikiHow

feature writing

The Lead of a feature story can be used to sum up the blogger.comg as an art at times need a creative writer who can be manipulative, cunning and at the same time embellish his or her words using rhetoric, connotative and emphatic words which can cause the reader to smile, wryly, shade tears, click the tongue and perhaps drove into a felicity blogger.comity Ending: Proximity simple Feature Writing tells the reader a story. It has a beginning (lead), middle and end. It uses quotes liberally and allows the reader to see the story through detailed description and vivid writing A feature is a longer piece of writing than a news story. Features come in many different types and are widely used in magazines, newspapers and online. A feature will often cover an issue in

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