Saturday, April 24, 2021

School and society essay

School and society essay

school and society essay

Education has an immerse impact on human society. It serves as a platform to impart knowledge and skills to make mankind a rational animal. Without education, humans would not be rational to be able to differentiate between the rights and wrongs 11/28/ · SCHOOL CLUB. Education should be for life and not merely for a live lihood. It should train all our mental and Physical faculties. For this purpose various clubs and debating societies formed in schools and colleges, for producing a complete human beings 4/7/ · Schools are established in many societies of the world so as to instill in the pupils those skill’s which will afford them the opportunity of taking their rightful positions in the society; but this function cannot be adequately accomplished without the assistance of the home because both the home and the school perform complimentary functions in the moral and intellectual development of

School and Society - Best Custom Essay Papers

Society may be viewed as a system of interrelated mutually dependent parts which cooperate more or less to preserve a recognisable whole and to satisfy some purpose or goal. Social system refers to the orderly arrangement of parts of society and plurality of individuals interacting with each other. Social system presupposes a social structure consisting of different parts which are interrelated in such a way as to perform its functions.

Image Courtesy : media. To perform its functions every society sets up various institutions. Five major complexes of institutions are identified: familial institutions, religious institutions, educational institutions, economic institutions and political institutions. These institutions form sub-systems within social system or larger society.

Education is a sub-system of the society. It is related to other sub-systems. Various institutions or sub-systems are a social system because they are interrelated. Education as a sub-system performs certain functions for the society as whole. There are also functional relations between education and other sub-systems. For example, Education trains the individuals in skills that are required by economy.

Similarly education is conditioned by the economic institutions. The effectiveness of organised activities of a society depends on the interaction and inter relationships of these institutions which constitute the whole, school and society essay. Now we will examine the role of education for the society and the relationship between education and other sub-system of society in terms of functionalist perspective. The functionalist view of education tends to focus on the positive contributions made by education to the maintenance of social system.

Without these essential similarities, cooperation, social solidarity and therefore social life would be impossible.

The vital task of all society is the creation of solidarity. This involves a commitment to society, a sense of belonging and feeling that the social unit is more important than the individual. Durkheim argues that to become attached to society the child must feel in it something that is real, alive and powerful, which dominates the person school and society essay to which he also owes the best part of himself, school and society essay.

Education in particular the teaching of history, provides this link between the individual and society. If the history of his society is brought alive to the child, he will come to see that he is a part of something larger than himself, he will develop a sense of commitment to the social group. Durkheim argues that in complex industrial societies, the school serves a function which cannot be provided either by family or peer groups.

Membership of the family is based on kinship relationship, membership of the poor group on the personal choice. Membership of school and society essay as a whole is based neither of these principles. Individuals must learn to cooperate with those who are neither their kin nor their friends. The school provides a context where these skills can be learned. As such, it is society in miniature, a model of the social system. In school, the child must interact with other members of the school in terms of fixed set of rules.

School acts a bridge between the family and society as a whole, preparing the child for his adult role. However, in advanced industrial society, status in adult life is largely achieved. Thus, the child must move from particularistic standards and ascribed status of the family to universalistic standards and achieved status of adult society. The school prepares young people for this transition.

Schools operates on meritocratic principle, status is achieved on the basis of merit. Like Durkheim, Parsons also argue that the school represents society in miniature. By reflecting the operation of society as a whole, the school prepares young people school and society essay their adult roles.

As part of this process, schools socialise school and society essay people into the basic values of society. These values have important functions in society as a whole, school and society essay. Finally, Parsons sees the educational system as an important mechanism for the selection of individuals for their future role in society. Thus, schools, by testing and evaluating students, match their talents, skills and capacities to the jobs for which they are best suited.

The school is therefore seen as the major mechanism for role allocation. Like Parsons, Davis and Moore see education as means of role allocation. But they link the educational system more directly with the system of social stratification.

According Davis and Moore social stratification is a mechanism for ensuring that most talented and able members of society are allocated to those positions which are functionally most important for the society. High rewards which act as incentives are attached to these positions which means that all will win through. The education system is one important part of this process. Chief among them are Louis Althusser, Samuel Bowels and Herbert Gintis. According to Althusser, a French philosopher, as a part of the superstructure, the educational system is ultimately shaped by infrastructure.

It will therefore reflect the relations of production and serve the interests of the capitalist ruling class. For the ruling class to survive and prosper, the reproduction of labour power is essential. He argues that the reproduction of labour involves two processes, school and society essay. First, the reproduction of the skills necessary for an efficient labour force.

Second, the reproduction of ruling class ideology and the socialisation workers in terms of it. These processes combine to reproduce a technically efficient and submissive and obedient work force. The role of education in capitalist society is the reproduction of such a work force.

Althusser argues that the reproduction of labour power requires not only reproduction of its skills, but also, at the same time a reproduction of its submission to the ruling ideology. Ideological State Apparatus transmit ruling class ideology thereby creating false class consciousness.

Education not only transmits a general ruling class ideology which justifies and legitimates the capitalist system. It also reproduces the attitudes and behaviour required by the major groups in the division of labour. Like Althusser, the American economists Bowels and Gintis argue that the major role of education in capitalist society is the reproduction of labour power. In particular, they maintain that education contributes to the reproduction of workers with the kind of personalities, attitudes and outlooks which will fit them for their exploited status.

They argue that social relationships in schools replicate the hierarchical division of labour in their work place.

It can be stated here that education performs certain role for the society. At the same time education is also conditioned by the social structure. Society crates educational institutions such as schools, colleges and universities to perform certain functions in accomplishing its end, school and society essay. The educational system may be viewed as a school and society essay of the total social system. It reflects and influences the social and cultural order of which it is a part.

The class system, the cultural values, the power structure, the balance between individual freedom and social control, school and society essay, the degree of urbanisation and industrialisation all these factors exercise a profound influence on school system of any society.

What are the functional relationships between education and other sub-systems of society. Many functionalists have argued that there is functional relationship between different sub-systems. For example there is a functional relationship between education and economic system. Skills and values learned in education are directly related to the way in which the economy and the occupational structure operate. Education trains the individuals in skills school and society essay are required by the economy.

Similarly, education is also influenced by economy. Education reflects these changes in the economy. In this context Halsey and Floud argue that, the educational system is bent increasingly to the service of the labour force. This can be seen from the steady increase in the school leaving age, the increasing specialisation of educational provision and the rapid expansion of higher and vocational education.

These institutions are social system because they are interrelated. A social system reveals a balance between its parts which facilitates its operation. Occasionally it may reveal imbalance, but it tends towards equilibrium. For example, when a country changes its Constitution, the change is never confined to its political institutions.

Corresponding changes take place in economic relationships, in the educational system, in the class structure and so on. All the social institutions would be in balance, each being adjusted to other, forming a single unified scheme. Education is a social concern. It is a social process. Its objective is to develop and awaken in the child those physical, intellectual and moral states which are acquired of the individual by his society as a whole and the milieu for which he is specially destined.

It is the significant means of socialisation. The function of education is to socialise the young by imparting to them norms and values, school and society essay, culture and heritage, and to provide them with skills and placement.

This is traditionally, the accepted role of education. In the West, for long, literacy was not considered essential for all. It remained confined to the priests, ruling classes and to commercial class. The education imparted was literary and religious. The valuation of education was not very high. In the Indian social milieu, education has been traditionally given significant importance, school and society essay.

Education has been school and society essay greater prominence in India than in Western or Islamic societies or in China. Eighteenth century, witnessed the total disruption of educational system, school and society essay. The modern industrial society with its advance technology, school and society essay, division of labour, job differentiation, assumes a general standard of literacy. It cannot carry on with handful of education and mass illiteracy.

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Relationship between society and education Free Essay Example

school and society essay

Education has an immerse impact on human society. It serves as a platform to impart knowledge and skills to make mankind a rational animal. Without education, humans would not be rational to be able to differentiate between the rights and wrongs institution in society that acts as a significant agent in the reproduction of culture. In this essay I will be discussing the ways in which societal norms and practices surrounding gender are reflected in the schooling system and are consequently reproduced into the next generation School is a special institution, created to serve specific social needs. It, therefore, not only gets aims and objectives from society but its contents and methods are also determined in accordance with the activities, carried on in society, for which the school functions. But

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